雷火电竞官方网站近五年发表论文情况 |
序号 |
作者 |
论文名称 |
期刊名称 |
发表时间 |
1 |
王冬梅 |
Effects of exercise-induced atigue on the morphology of asymmetric synapse and synaptic protein levels in rat striatum |
Neurochem Int |
2019, 129:104476 |
2 |
孟宪国 |
Neuromodulation Techniques in Phantom Limb Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis |
Pain Medicine |
2020(4) |
3 |
谢地 |
Effects of knee middle position instruction on knee joint biomechanics during single-leg landing |
medicina dello sport |
2020,73(1):1-14 |
4 |
王冬梅 |
The influence and enlightenment of five public health emergencies on public psychology since new century: A systematic review |
Int J Soc Psychiatry |
2021,67(7):878-91 |
5 |
周路 |
Interfering with pak4 Protein Expression Affects Osteosarcoma Cell Proliferation and Migration |
BioMed research international. |
2021 Dec 30;2021:9977001. |
6 |
纪龙 |
Association Between Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Chinese Women |
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience |
February 2021 Volume 13 Article 630409 |
7 |
纪龙 |
Expression Profile of Immunoglobulin G Glycosylation in Children With Epilepsy in Han Nationality |
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience |
July 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 843897 |
8 |
宋洪强 |
Resolvin D1 inhibits the proliferation of osteoarthritis fbroblast-like synoviocytes through the Hippo-YAP signaling pathway |
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders |
2022,23:149-157 |
9 |
张刚 |
SIRT6 Prevents Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head in Rats |
Oxid Med Cell Longev. |
2022, 2022:6360133. |
10 |
张刚 |
lncRNA FGD5-AS1 Regulates Bone Marrow Stem Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis by Affecting miR-296-5p/STAT3 Axis in Steroid-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head |
Journal of Healthcare Engineering |
2022, 2022:9364467 |
11 |
孟宪国 |
EIF4A3-induced circBRWD3 promotes tumorigenesis of breast cancer through miR-142-3p_miR-142-5p/RAC1/PAK1 signaling |
BMC Cancer |
2022 Nov 28;22(1):1225 |
12 |
周路 |
SIRT6 Prevents Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head in Rats |
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity |
2022 Oct 13;2022:6360133. |
13 |
宋洪强 |
Identifying the shared genes and KEGG pathways of Resolvin D1-targeted network and osteoarthritis using bioinformatics |
2022,13(4):9839-9854 |
14 |
周路 |
FGF23 promotes proliferation, migration and invasion by regulating miR-340-5p in osteosarcoma |
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research |
2023.01 |
15 |
周路 |
Fibroblast growth factor 23 regulates hypoxia_x001e_induced osteoblast apoptosis through the autophagysignaling pathway |
Molecular Medicine REPORTS |
2023.08 |
16 |
宋洪强 |
Promoting the proliferation of osteoarthritis chondrocytes by resolvin D1 regulating the NLRP3/caspase-1 signaling pathway |
Cellular Signalling |
2023.11 |
17 |
王冬梅 |
Relationship between physical activity and individual mental health after traumatic events: a systematic review |
2023.04 |
18 |
魏珊珊 |
Combinations of physical activity, screen time and sleep, and their association with subjective wellbeing in children |
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice |
2023.01 |
19 |
陈印忠 |
SNIP1 reduces extracellular matrix degradation and inflammation via inhibiting the NF-κB signaling pathway in osteoarthritis |
Arch Biochem Biop hys |
2023;747:109764 |
20 |
陈男 |
GPBAR1 is associated with asynchronous bone metastasis and poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma |
23 January 2023 |
21 |
李伟 |
Exosomes loaded a smart bilayer-hydrogel scaffold with ROS-scavenging and macrophage-reprogramming properties for repairing cartilage defect |
Bioactive Materials |
2024.4 |
22 |
张刚 |
Fibroblast growth factor 23 inhibition attenuates steroid‐induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head through pyroptosis |
Scientific reports |
2024(14) 16720 |
23 |
陈印忠 |
The clinical utilization of SNIP1 and its pathophysiological mechanisms in disease |
Heylion |
2024;10(2):e24601 |
24 |
王冬梅 |
思维导图在医学院校运动生理学翻转课堂教学中的应用 |
科教导刊 |
2019, 24: 98-99 |
25 |
王冬梅 |
微信公众号辅助医学院校运动生理学翻转课堂教学的研究 |
课程教育研究 |
2019, 47: 239-240 |
26 |
宋洪强 |
新型促炎消退介质———消退素的生物效应及机制 |
中国老年学杂志 |
2020,40(11):2451-2454 |
27 |
谢地 |
侧切运动中前交叉韧带损伤机制研究进展 |
中国运动医学杂志 |
2019,38(5):418-423 |
28 |
王冬梅 |
有氧运动和四叶参干预对糖尿病大鼠海马Cyt c和caspase-3的影响 |
泰山医学院学报 |
2019,40(5):325-327 |
29 |
谢地 |
垂直落地反跳生物力学的研究进展 |
临床医学进展 |
2020,10(6):989-996 |
30 |
王荣梅 |
健康中国背景下营养与食品卫生学教学改革实践与探讨 |
疾病预防控制通报 |
2020(04):89-91 |
31 |
谢地 |
前交叉韧带重建术后姿势控制障碍的表现 |
中国老年保健医学 |
2020,18(6):106-110 |
32 |
谢地 |
踝关节贴扎在优势侧落地动作中对膝关节生物力学特性的影响 |
医用生物力学 |
2020,35(6):578-543 |
33 |
谢地 |
踝关节贴扎对踝关节功能的影响 |
生物医学 |
2020,10(3):27-34 |
34 |
贾庆卫 |
蚕丝韧带复合骨髓干细胞重建兔前交叉韧带 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2020, 28 (20): 1883-1887. |
35 |
贾庆卫 |
关节镜治疗痛风性膝关节炎合并巨大腘窝囊肿 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2020,28(05):478-480. |
36 |
谢地 |
踝关节支具在慢性踝关节不稳康复治疗中的应用 |
中国老年保健医学 |
2021,19(5):108-112 |
37 |
谢地 |
躯干运动控制对落地过程中膝关节生物力学指标的影响 |
医用生物力学 |
2021,36(6):963-969 |
38 |
刘润芝 |
体外冲击波治疗肩周炎的疗效分析 |
健康忠告 |
2021,33:10-11 |
39 |
贾庆卫 |
Ⅱ型糖尿病、高血压与骨质疏松的相关性 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2021,29(15):1383-1386 |
40 |
贾庆卫 |
双能X线和定量CT对2型糖尿病患者骨质疏松的诊断价值分析 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2021,29(17):1579-1581. |
41 |
张延明 |
肩袖撕裂与肩胛骨动力障碍相关性研究进展 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2022,30(11):1002-1006. |
42 |
张延明 |
基于肩关节正位片对退行性肩袖撕裂患者肩胛骨位置的研究 |
实用骨科杂志 |
2022 ,28 (07) 584-589 |
43 |
宋洪强 |
富血小板血浆与透明质酸治疗膝骨性关节炎的荟萃分析 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2022,30(1):39-43 |
44 |
贾庆卫 |
中老年男性Ⅱ型糖尿病骨密度与血压的相关研究 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2022,30(7):614-619 |
45 |
贾庆卫 |
术中超声辅助微创修复急性跟腱断裂 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2022,30(07):614-619 |
46 |
亓建洪 |
内侧髌股韧带重建治疗青少年髌骨脱位研究进展 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2022,30(15):1426-1428 |
47 |
贾庆卫 |
Crowe IV型发育性髋关节发育不良病人全髋关节置换术中解剖位安放臼杯并粗隆下截骨治疗前后步态参数分析 |
临床外科杂志 |
2023.8 |
48 |
贾庆卫 |
改良袢钢板Nice结固定急性肩锁关节脱位 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2023, 31 (24): 2294-2297. |
49 |
张延明 |
液压扩张联合疗法对渐冻期黏连性肩关节囊炎疗效研究 |
实用骨科杂志 |
2023 ,29 (03) 246-249 |
50 |
亓建洪 |
连续低强度超声对骨软骨体外保存的影响 |
中国矫形外科杂志 |
2 0 2 3 . 11 |